Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 4: Letter to Your Sibling

I can't even believe you're 14. You are such an incredible kid. You get along with everyone, like Mikey does. Sometimes it scares me because I worry you'll start hanging out with bad kids, and so far that hasn't happened (as far as I know, at least).

You always play with me, even though I am not always that fun. You play Spore with me, and you wrestle, and whatever else we decide to do (prank call each other, keep each other in a room) you always make it fun. Even if it's just going to In N Out.

I really like that you like Bryan. You sort of remind me of him in little ways--the good ways. You get along with everyone, you are good at making people laugh and making everyone feel welcome. Watching you play with him is so freakin' adorable. You guys crack me up. :)

The other freakin' insane thing is that you're going to high school. WHAT THE HECK. You are still that little toehead with a bowl cut, running around playing Cowboy by himself. I am glad you have friends, but you've never needed them. You have always been good at entertaining yourself. High school will probably be relatively easy for you, as long as you don't get lazy. I hope you find a place you fit in like I did. It doesn't have to be theatre, as many times as I have told you that it does. As long as you are happy, it's all good. Just don't be a bad kid. Then I'll be sad.

Don't stop playing. Really. That is a huge part of who you are.


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