Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 18: Letter to the Person You Wish You Could Be


I'll bet you didn't think I'd choose you for this letter, but that's too dang bad. I have always sort of wanted to be like you. You're caring and loving. You're more confident than I am and more comfortable being affectionate. Mom has always liked you and so has everyone else. I am sorry I was mean to you. I don't know how many times I'll need to say that, but I mean it every time.

You are so talented. You can sing and dance and take awesome pictures. You are amazing on both sides of the camera, in fact. You aren't afraid to try new things and you don't mind having to work to learn about the things you like.

You are beautiful. You have a beautiful face and a lovely figure. You can pull off a lot of different styles and you are good at choosing clothes that flatter you. You follow trends and are girly, but not so girly that you can't go hiking or something adventurous.

You are very encouraging. I know that if I'm having a crappy day I can talk to you and you'll make me feel better. In that way I sometimes feel like you are the older sister. You know what to say to make me happy, but also to keep me realistic. You put up with me when I feel like pestering you and you pester me when you know I feel like playing (secretly), like in Yosemite. You cracked me up. I loved making inappropriate shadow puppets with you, haha. And gassing you out of the tent (almost ;) ). You color My Little Ponies with me and you help me with my insecurities at the same time. I like that.

I hope this year is really good for you. I know you sort of look up to me, but you also have to be open to the fact that I'm not perfect. However, learn from as many of my mistakes as you can. Trust me, it saves a lot of trouble.


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