Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 17: Letter To Someone From Your Childhood


We have been neighbors since forever. I was four when you moved in across the street and we were always "sort-of-friends". I have always been a little uncomfortable around you because you have always been so much more outgoing than I am. You were not adverse to kissing my cheek or yelling when you got excited, things which I was never fully comfortable with. You were slightly gullible and very high-maintenance growing up. You believed in Santa Clause, which, of course, most kids do. I was one of those horrible children who tell kids like you the truth about Santa.

We grew up and apart, naturally. There was never a falling-out of any kind or anything. In fact, I wish you no ill-will at all. I think you are neat and beautiful and very adventurous, all wonderful qualities. I just believe that we were always meant to be "sort-of-friends" and nothing more.

While you dated my cousin, I always felt ambivalent about it. I thought you two were good for each other, but I also felt a little trepidation at where you guys would go relationship-wise. Would you have sex? Would you be engaged? Would you get married? Thankfully, you didn't get any farther than sex (which was too far in my opinion) and sadly broke up. I don't know why you did, but I think it was mostly for the better.

Now, though, I don't know what happened to you. All of a sudden I am hearing these things about you that are so unbelievable I can't even listen. I won't bring it up with you because it isn't any of my business anymore, but I really hope they aren't true. I want you to be little Destinee who fights with me over Nick Carter or the little Destinee who falls off her bike and bleeds all over my house. I don't want you to be the Destinee I hear about.

You are a bright, shining person. You have always had the ability and the drive to go to college and succeed and I truly hope you do. You can pretty much write your own ticket if you ever figure your stuff out. I hope you do. I really do.

If you need anything, give me a call.

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