Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 20: Letter To The One Who Broke Your Heart The Hardest


You have always been my best friend and I keep hoping you will come back and resume your role in my life. You have always been there when I needed you and you have always loved me for who I am. You make me laugh and I never had a reason to be truly unhappy as long as you were my best friend. You helped me through the hardest two years of my life--junior high--and, in fact, every year before (first day of kindergarten friends) and most of the years after that.

I like that we never fought over a boy. We always had a crush on the same guy and never did a thing about it. We would swoon and write notes and draw pictures, just like any other "love struck" junior high girl would. We fantasized about That Guy and when he would come ask us to Be His Girlfriend. We were so ridiculous, but I loved every second of it. We spent hours being silly, making ridiculous improvs and diagrams of stupid things. Our abs were always rock solid from laughing so hard for hours and hours every single day. You and I literally lived at the other's house half the time growing up. My parents miss you as much as I do.

When you started dating Kyle, I was very upset. He is not good enough for you and I'm not just saying that because I think no one is. Of all the stupid boys you could have picked, why you picked the most ill-equipped I'll never know. And why you chose him over all your other friends, including me, I'll never understand. You took his side in everything without using that beautiful brain God gave to you. You don't see him using you or taking advantage of you. He doesn't have a job. He quit the best job he could have gotten. He's not going to a real school. He makes you drive everywhere and he makes you do all the work in the relationship. He doesn't even do cute things for you. What on earth do you see in this slob? He doesn't push you to go to church--in fact, you haven't gone once in almost a year. He doesn't push you to be a better person or see your friends. I think he's doing what Frank did to me: said "Go spend time with Megan!" but got all butthurt and lonely whenever I did, so I stopped trying with you.

You are hurting everyone around you. No one likes him. Not even his own brothers like him. Your family is breaking because he is the chisel and you keep trying to pound him into your family, thinking he'll bind everyone together instead of fracturing yourself from the rest. Your friends have holes in them from where you ripped yourself away. Every conversation we have ends up with you in it. We miss you. Come back.

I am glad to see that you are slightly coming back. Or hear, rather, for you haven't shown me this in the least. You won't really talk to me because you are too afraid of how I feel about your stupid boyfriend. I'm not going to change until he turns into the Prince Charming you deserve. If you're going to have to settle for something less, don't go all the way to the bottom and settle for a frog like him. I only say this because I love you and I want the best for you. I probably won't send this to you like I have most of the others because I have already beat this dead horse and you know exactly how I feel. I don't need to reiterate again.

I love you. I mailed you something.

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